Information for contributors to Sincronía:

Articles in English, Spanish, French, German or Portuguese may be sent as attachments to the following email address:

Title, author's name and academic affiliation should be included at the upper left-hand corner of the document.

We are usually able to handle articles sent in .doc, .docx; or .odt.  We prefer that you not send .html files, as that complicates things unnecessarily at this end. However, if your article includes any graphics or photographs, please send it in .pdf format.

For bibliographical references, please follow the current MLA format.  That is, use in-text parentheses for author and year; include the complete bibliographical information in a Works Cited or Bibliography page at the end of the article. Footnotes quite often create formatting problems; please use them sparingly.

Normally, publication of accepted articles will occur within the period of the current number of the journal. (Although we experience the occassional delay.) You will receive confirmation of publication by email.

Thank you for your consideration.

Stephen W. Gilbert
Director and General Editor

Departamento de Letras,
Universidad de Guadalajara
Guadalajara, Jalisco