e-ISSN: 1562-384X
Year XXVII / Issue 83. January-June 2023
DOI: 10.32870/sincronia
e-Journal bianual of Philisiphy, Literary and Humanities
Departament of Philosopfy / Departament of Literature
Teachers Avenue, door 3, corner with Mariano Bárcena street, Building "N", Ground Floor. La Normal Colony. P.C. 44260. Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico. E-mail: revista.sicronia@academicios.udg.mx
University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities


Mtro. Francisco Javier
Ponce Martínez

Departament of Literature

Dr. Raúl E. Rodríguez

Departament of Philosophy

Lic. Nicolás Medina García
Editorial Technical Secretary


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  Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The journal Sincronia, of Philosophy, Letters and Humanities, of the University of Guadalajara, publishes approximately 60 articles per year, result of scientific investigations of national and foreign authors who have high professional recognition in the social sciences and humanities. Our main objective is to disseminate scientific knowledge and make it available to the general community through a comprehensive open access system.

Therefore, the publishers of Sincronia, assume the ethical commitment of neutrality in relation to the contents of the articles that are sent to the writing of the journal, without prejudice of religious, political, ethnic, gender or any other ideologies that controversy.

The articles that are sent to the writing of Sincronia to be considered in a future publication, goes through different revision processes: technical, methodological and content aspects; an average of three revisions per article are made before publication, and each reviewer (editors and opinion makers) is responsible for the corresponding process, so that each member of the editorial team, including the reviewers, must objectively adhere to the ethical criteria established by the journal and assume the commitment to act objectively, professionally and ethically, at all stages of the editorial process.

1.1.- It is the Editor's responsibility:

  • Proceed at all times objectively and professionally in the performance of their duties, without discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious, political, ethnic or any other ideology that causes controversy.
  • Process articles that are accepted equally, without distinction or giving preference to authors of high prestige, or academic merits are national or foreign, avoiding at all times commercial, personal or other influences.
  • Receive written complaints from authors when they are ethical or motivated by a procedural problem of the article and refer them to the Direction of the journal for due process.
  • Provide timely follow-up to the complaints submitted by the authors, following the corresponding procedures, giving the author the right to reply and considering the arguments that originated the complaint.
  • Investigate the origin of the complaints and submit in writing to the author, the resolutions issued by the journal's address.
  • Keep in an organized way, all the documentation and archive of the journal.

1.2.- It is the responsibility of the Evaluator:

  • Objectively adhere to the evaluation criteria established in the basic report card.
  • Conduct in an objective and professional manner in the review of articles without influencing their academic or personal perspective on the subject.
  • Objectively review the articles submitted to it by the Editor, propose improvements in the quality of the works and send them to the editorial staff for follow-up.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the authors or any information provided by the Editor.
  • Avoid preservation of the work reviewed, not copy it or process it for some work of its own authorship.
  • Give notice to the Editor in a timely manner if the work under review is similar to another one already published or under review by another journal.
  • Inform the Editor in a timely manner if the work under review presents a conflict of interest.
  • Request in a timely manner to the Editor, the change of the article to be reviewed if it considers that it is outside its thematic specialty.
  • Point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.

1.3.- It is the responsibility of the author:

  • Send your collaboration in the times mentioned in the corresponding call, complying with the requirements mentioned therein.
  • Respond in time and form, the observations made by the Editor and Evaluator.
  • Provide the Publisher with the necessary information of the author's identification, including those related to his article.
  • Sign the declaration of authorship to confirm that the work submitted is not simultaneously in the process of reviewing or postulating publication with another journal.
  • Confirm that your article is original and unpublished when applying for publication in Sincronia.
  • Have the necessary permissions if your work includes graphic fonts (photographs, pictures or any other type that requires it) and provide the Editor with the permissions granted.
  • List all sources used in your work.
  • Declare any type of conflict of interest and avoid any influence during the editorial process.
  • Timely notify the Editor if any significant errors are identified in the publication and cooperate with the publication in the correction of the publication when required.

2.1.- Unethical behavior is considered:

  1. When any member of the Direction, Editorial Committee or Evaluator, receives from any person or author, any gift (economic or in kind) for any article under review to be approved.
  2. When the Editor, Evaluator, author or any member of the journal does not professionally fulfill its responsibilities, affecting the interests of the journal or authors.
  3. When the Editor does not accept a proposal for publication without presenting the necessary and convincing arguments or because of personal or political conflicts with the author.
  4. When the Editor, the Direction, Evaluator, author or any member of the journal is not conducted with due respect to the counterparty in cases of conflict or complaint.
  5. When the Direction, Editorial Committee or Evaluator does not take care of the ethical principle of confidentiality of the authors.
  6. When the Direction, Editorial Committee or Evaluator provides third parties with information about the journal, authors, documents or any other text, without the corresponding permissions and that this represents an economic, material or any other damage to the journal, members of the same or authors.
  7. When the Editor does not give adequate follow-up to the procedure of complaints sent to him by the authors.
  8. When the Direction or Editorial Committee does not carry out the appropriate procedure, it does so partially or does not proceed in the resolution of a conflict or complaint submitted in due time by the author.
  9. When the author intends to give any gift (economic or in kind) to any member of the Direction or Editorial Committee so that the resolution of a conflict is in his favor.
  10. When the author does not heed the observations made by the Editor or Evaluator, which will give rise to the suspension of the article in the editorial process.
  11. When the author does not sign the declaration of authorship or the corresponding license and insists on the publication of his article.
  12. When the author does not cite in an appropriate manner parts of his text whose source is from another author.
  13. When the author does not submit the authorizations requested by the Editor.
  14. When the author intends to publish more than one article in the same issue.
  15. When the author includes more bibliographical references than those cited in his work.

3.1.- Identification of unethical behavior:

  • Any person, whether reader, author, publisher or member of the journal, can detect unethical behavior and make it known to the Publisher at any time when necessary. These behaviors are not limited to those established in the previous section.
  • The person who reports to the Editor about the behavior indicated must provide the necessary evidence to verify such behavior in order to initiate the investigation process on the case. All accusations are important and will be taken with due respect and seriousness that merit, following up to the end of the process and resolution of the case.

3.2.- Procedure and investigation:

  • The Editor is the first instance that will have the function of resolving the conflict in cases of minor infractions, after consultation with the Direction.
  • When the infraction is of major consideration or serious, it will refer the case to the Direction, who will have the power to resolve the merits of the case.
  • The Editor must integrate a file with the necessary evidence about the case and forward it to the Direction for study. Only the information that is revealed in the evidence will be taken into account.
  • The outcomeswill respond to the arguments of the affected party, whether in person or in writing by any means of communication.
  • The Direction will assist the parties in conflict giving the right to express their foundations and arguments to each of them, maintaining at all times the objectivity and impartiality required.
  • The Direction will set a deadline to analyze the case and issue a final resolution.
  • All resolutions will be made in writing, sending a copy to the parties involved and file of the journal.

3.3.- Hierarchy for conflict resolution:

  • If the infraction is minor; the Editor resolves it.
  • If the violation is greater, serious or committed by the Editor; the Director is resolved.
  • If the violation is committed by any member of the Director; it is resolved by the heads of the departments to which the journal is attached.
  • If the infraction is committed by any member of the Editorial Board, it is resolved by the Direction.
  • In all cases, the procedure described in section 3.2 will be followed.

3.4.- Minor infraction is considered:

  • A slight lack of conduct that does not jeopardize the integrity of the journal, its contents, the authors or any other member of the mass and whose origin is due to omissions or negligence of the infringing party, which will have the right to express their arguments to the Editor, by writing clarifying the points for what was done.
  • Paragraphs 10 to 15 of item 2.- Unethical behavior, of this declaration.

3.5.- Serious infractions are considered:

  • Those that lack the decorum and respect of the people, expressing offenses or violating the right of any member of the community or attempt against the interests of the journal or the University of Guadalajara.
  • Paragraphs 1 to 9 of item 2.- Unclear behavior of this declaration.
  • Plagiarism in any of its modalities.
  • Negative publicity towards the journal or coercion so that employees do not participate in it.
  • The verbal or physical aggression against the members of the journal or against any collaborator of the same.
  • Those that conform to criminal offenses.

4.- Resolutions issued for the resolution of conflicts:

  • Written notice to the offending person, about the fact committed, clarifying the omission or misunderstanding that allows to make the necessary corrections.
  • Letter addressed to the offending person, in which he / she is informed about the bad practices and alerting him to the consequences of unethical behavior in the future.
  • Written notice published in the journal, detailing editorial misconduct.
  • Letter addressed to the holder of the agency where the offending person is assigned, detailing the misconduct and requesting that it be carried out in accordance with the institution's rules.
  • Formal cancellation of contributions for a set period of time.
  • If necessary, inform the university authorities so that action is taken corresponding to the facts derived from the misconduct.

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Av. of The Maestros Pta. N° 3, corner Mariano Bárcena.
Col. La Normal, Guadalajara, Jal., México.
3819-3388 y 3819-3377
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Universidad de Guadalajara. Derechos reservados ©1997 - 2012. ® El escudo de la Universidad de Guadalajara es una marca registrada.
Revista Sincronía. Todos los derechos reservados © 2020
Departamento de Filosofía y Departamento de Letras