e-ISSN: 1562-384X
Year XXVII / Issue 83. January-June 2023
DOI: 10.32870/sincronia
e-Journal bianual of Philisiphy, Literary and Humanities
Departament of Philosopfy / Departament of Literature
Teachers Avenue, door 3, corner with Mariano Bárcena street, Building "N", Ground Floor. La Normal Colony. P.C. 44260. Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico. E-mail: revista.sicronia@academicios.udg.mx

University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities


Mtro. Francisco Javier
Ponce Martínez

Departament of Literature

Dr. Raúl E. Rodríguez

Departament of Philosophy

Lic. Nicolás Medina García
Editorial Technical Secretary


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  Sincronia is a biannual, arbitrated and open access electronic journal, which publishes original scientific research articles on Philosophy, Literary studies and Humanities. This journal is edited by the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Literature, of the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities, and is part of the Register of Scientific Journals of the University of Guadalajara      

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Content of the Year XXVII / Number 83, January-June 2023

Theodor W. Adorno: Resistance and Glimpses of Moral Life.
Theodor W. Adorno: resistencia y briznas de vida moral.
Dinora Hernández López (
Departament of Philosofhy / University of Guadalajara -MEXICO-).
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A brief approach to the philosophy of language of Saul Kripke based on Naming and Necessity. Una breve aproximación a la filosofía del lenguaje de Saul Kripke a partir de Naming and Necessity.
Alejandro Villamor Iglesias (
IES Rosalía de Castro -ESPAÑA-).
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Leisure, Work and Meaning of Life under Neoliberalism. Ocio, trabajo y sentido de la vida bajo el neoliberalismoítulo.
Emmanuel Godínez-Burgos (
School of Humanities and Education / Tecnológico de Monterrey -MEXICO-).
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Mechanisms of subjectivation and self-controlled digital societies. Mecanismos de subjetivación y sociedades digitales autocontroladas.
Celina Arredondo Rubio (
Master in Philosophical Studies / University of Guadalajara -MEXICO-).
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Some argumentative strategies in Cristina de Pizan’s The City of Ladies. Algunas estrategias argumentativas en La Ciudad de las Damas de Cristina de Pizán.
Patricia Díaz Herrera (
Autonomous University of Mexico City -MEXICO-).
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The clinic linked to the daily life of suffering. La clínica ligada a la cotidianidad del sufrimiento.
Amorhak Ornelas Vázquez (
University of London -ENGLAND-).
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Rejection rate


Anxiety Facing Old Age in “Señales captadas en el corazón de una fiesta”, by Rodrigo Fresán.
Angustia ante la vejez en “Señales captadas en el corazón de una fiesta”, de Rodrigo Fresán.
Seungho Nam (
Seoul National University -SOUTH KOREA-).
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Psychosis as an Involuntary Mechanism of Interpretation of Reality in the Protagonist of The Tunnel. La psicosis como mecanismo involuntario de interpretación de la realidad en el protagonista de El túnel.
Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila (
National University of San Marcos -PERU-).
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Mexican letters and his modern lexicography in Dante Medina. Las letras mexicanas y su moderna lexicografía en Dante Medina.
Sandra Ruiz Llamas (
Department of Hispanic Philology, University of Huelva -SPAIN-).
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Georg Heym. The poet who saw Berlin in flames in 1911. Georg Heym. El poeta que vio a Berlín en llamas en 1911.
Carlos Alberto Navarro Fuentes (
Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí -MEXICO-).
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Literary supplements as cultural axes of the social communication media in the last. Los suplementos literarios como ejes culturales de los medios de comunicación social en el último cuarto del siglo XX.
Antonio Rodríguez Jiménez (
Autonomous University of Guadalajara -MEXICO-).
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Metropolis. Text and postmodern sensibility in City by Alessandro Baricco. Metrópolis. Texto y sensibilidad posmoderna en City de Alessandro Baricco.
Edith Beatriz Pérez (
National University of the Northeast -ARGENTIN-).
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An approach to dialogism in Vlad de Carlos Fuentes. Un acercamiento al dialogismo en Vlad de Carlos Fuentes.
María Lourdes Hernández Armenta (
Department of Literature / University of Guadalajara -MEXICO-).
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The decolonization of La Fiesta Brava. La decolonización de La Fiesta Brava.
Yesenia González Herrera (
Master's Degree in Inter-American Literatures / University of Guadalajara -MEXICOY-).
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On the Borders of a Clarice Lispector Tale. En las fronteras de un cuento de Clarice Lispector.
Jorge Martín Gómez Bocanegra (
Department of Literary Studies / University of Guadalajara -MEXICOY-).
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Analysis of digital resources for the integration of augmented reality in education. Análisis de recursos digitales para la integración de la realidad aumentada en la educación.
Hugo Trejo González (
Department of Modern Languages / University of Guadalajara -MEXICO-).
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Teachers' perspective on online classes in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sonora, Mexico. Perspectiva docente sobre las clases en línea ante la pandemia por COVID-19 en Sonora, México.
Kimberly Denise Gómez Espinosa (
Technological Institute of Sonora -MEXICO-); Oscar Cruz Pérez (University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas -MEXICO-); Germán Alejandro García Lara (University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas -MEXICO-); Hildebertha Esteban Silvestre (Institute of Psychosocial Intervention -MEXICO-) and Jesús Ocaña Zúñiga (University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas -MEXICO-).
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Guadalajara, a blurred face. Guadalajara, un rostro desdibujado.
Andrea Leticia Morán Gómez (
Autonomous University of Baja California -MEXICO-); Anuar Alejandro Morales Alcántara (National Polytechnic Institute -MEXICO-); Alejandra Floresmerino Velasco (University of Guadalajara (CuTonalá) -MEXICO-); Salvador Alejandro Nimzaj Salinas Rodríguez (University of Guadalajara (CUCEI) -MEXICO-) and Humberto Ortega-Villaseñor (University of Guadalajara (CUCSH) -MEXICO-).
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A Traveler in the Wilderness: The resignification of race and otherness in the film Get out by Jordan Peele. Un viajero en tierras salvajes: La resignificación de la raza y la otredad en el filme Get out de Jordan Peele.
Karina Monserrat Acuña (
National Autonomous University of Mexico -MEXICO-); Romano Ponce Díaz (Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo -MEXICO-) and Iván Ávila González (Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo -MEXICO-).
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Rural multigrade schools and Secondary schools by T.V. in Mexico. Was there learning recovery after educational crisis by COVID-19?. Escuelas rurales multigrado y Telesecundarias en México, ¿existió recuperación de aprendizajes tras la crisis educativa por la COVID-19?.
Osbaldo Amauri Gallegos de Dios (
Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS de Occidente) -MEXICO-).
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Do Chinese speaking learners acquire discourse markers at the level set by the PCIC: Positions and combinatorics. ¿Adquieren los aprendices sinohablantes los marcadores de discurso en el nivel establecido por el PCIC?: Posiciones y combinatorias.
Qin Yang (
Complutense University of Madrid -SPAIN-).
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The criminal investigator detective in Mexico. El detective investigador criminal en México.
Francisco Javier Cortés Fuentes (
Department of Public Law / University of Guadalajara -MEXICO-); Angélica Jesús Ceseña Altamirano (Department of Public Law / University of Guadalajara -MEXICO-) and Alfonso Partida Caballero (Department of Public Law / University of Guadalajara -MEXICO-).
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French Teaching and Learning within the Baja Californian Setting. La enseñanza y el aprendizaje del francés en el escenario bajacaliforniano.
Jesús Eduardo Fong Flores (
Autonomous University of Baja California -MEXICO-).
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Teachers Avenue, door 3, corner with Mariano Bárcena street.
Building "N", Ground Floor. La Normal Colony.
P.C. 44260. Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico.
E-mail: revista.sicronia@academicios.udg.mx
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